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The right time to shop for school uniforms

Posted by Emanuel Zelcer on

Most people think that the ideal time for Back to School shopping is when their summer vacation ends. One can explain it from a monetary perspective, because who wants to spend weeks ahead, or months before you will be wearing those garments. While in vacation mode why stress about school supplies or school uniforms when you can tan and enjoy the pool or endulge on a lavish BBQ alongside a fire pit. Another reason we hear from many are "Kids grow so much more in the summer" or "What will be if it doesn't fit in 8 weeks from now". However the real truth is that the right time to shop is before the mad rush, we recommend to shop for uniforms before one leaves on summer break, or before the girls head off to camp. The peace of mind knowing that this is scratched off the list will enhance your summer vacation. We would like to argue that it is a cost saving measure to shop early, as there are many different lengths of skirts available when you shop early and that saves you money by not having to make hems or paying the tailor to taper or take in larger sizes because that was the only size left in the store. We can't speak for every store but we at Fraylich School Uniforms will exchange any unembroidered item that was bought for back to school, regardless if it's bought in May, June, July or August you can exchange them until a month into school, so if your daughter does have a growth spurt all you need to do is exchange it for a longer or bigger size and you avoid hours of wait time. We advise you to think of a full year of growth and not that it be perfect now. If you buy with growth in mind there's no need to worry about growth of a mere 8 weeks. If your daughter changes schools or you decide to move out of town we will exchange them to the new schools uniform without a hassle. If you made a wedding or Simcha you wouldn't wait for a week before the Simcha to look for a gown, you understand that it's not like shopping for a bottle of milk that's waiting on a shelf to take home. Foresight, planning and being organized are key to having an enjoyable experience as opposed to a nightmare situation. We do offer shopping online with a 30 day money back on all non embroidered items, so feel free to skip the lines and shop at your liesure from the comfort of your home and choose shipping or instore pickup. Simply log in to WWW.FRAYLICHSCHOOLUNIFORMS.COM and shop by your school page or shop by product categories.

Yours truly,

Emanuel Zelcer